Stacey Collins
Another week, another satisfied, smug smile from ‘fluent’ German speaker Stuart. Whilst we wish Stuart Baggs ‘The Brand’ would become Stuart Baggs ‘The Banned’, we feel that the remaining women contestants are still strong competition for Lord Sugar’s future apprentice. Wunderbar!There was an exciting few moments in last week’s episode of The Apprentice ‘Crisps’ when it looked like the bitchiness between the girls was to
make a welcome return for their German crisp-selling task. We thought Laura Moore’s somewhat childish ‘It’s not fair’ outburst at Stella English was sure to spark a fire in the boardroom.
However after exclaiming ‘Stella doesn’t deserve to win’ and calling both Stella and Joanna a rather unsavoury name after their decision to do one of the major corporate pitches for their savoury crisps, Laura nodded in the boardroom that Stella had been a good project manager.
So with Joanna being commended on her perseverance in the pitches, Stella taking her team to yet another victory, Liz escaping the bottom three in the boardroom and Laura just falling out of cars, we still think she will be the next female contestant to be on the end of Lord Sugar’s firing finger.
Tomorrow’s episode, ‘Discount Buying’, sees the teams revert back to boys vs girls. Will the girls regress to their former bitchy selves once grouped together? Watch tomorrow and find out; BBC One at 9pm.
Liz looks happy. Should be a walkover for the lasses tonight.
What happens if the girls end up in the board room?
And they're in the board-room
Laura to go?
Stella looking weak in the boardroom - can he kick her out?
Sugar not happy at the choice he has to make
Now they hate each other
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