Don't want Maggie's diet no more?
Amazon have sparked outrage before by selling the e-book entitled ‘The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover’s Code of Conduct’ in 2010 by Phillip R. Greaves and now they’re facing more trouble after unveiling the child’s book ‘Maggie goes on a diet’ which is up for pre-orders on their website.
Is your intuition saying no to the new tuition fees?

The settling of the darker nights, and the increase of eight-legged creatures taking up residence in our homes against the crisper nights are a reminder that the summer that never really was weather-wise, is drawing to a close. This of course also means we are fast approaching the beginning of a new term for teachers, lecturers and for students in particular, the last university entry year with the lower tuition fees.
The riots just last week in the UK partially reflect a time of political uncertainty and unrest, a time when people are failing to engage in our democratic structures because they refuse to buy into a society which hasn’t worked for them, and a supposed anti-Robin Hood government where people feel as though the cuts are mostly impacting the less wealthy.
Ben's baby words

Ben is gradually developing into a real walking, talking human in front of our eyes. His attempts at forming words are still very basic: a "mama" happens every so often, but I'm not at all sure he's referring to me. He's forming new noises all the time, for example, everything's "gak" today. Because of his new teeth - five now - he's started doing "thhh", particularly when watching Baby Jake on CBeebies.
What killed Amy Winehouse?

The news of the riots over the past few days have been so engulfing that when I read an article on Amy Winehouse’s Goddaughter Dionne Broomfield, I realised that I had forgotten about the death of 27 year old Amy that occurred just last month. Remembering again her heartbreaking demise resurfaced the feelings that many felt of mourning and loss, both of her being and talent.
A laundry mountain
By Baby Blogger Kate Richards
Well it's a good thing we have so many towels. A few days ago Ben had what I assumed was a tummy bug. It started with a temperature and refusing food, developed into a few small vomits, and culminated in a really surprising volume of sick at bedtime.
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